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Language selector

Adding the selector to the theme

Problems with url rewriting

When using the language selector to switch in between de: and en: url-rewriting would not work properly.
We where getting of en:start, start/?id=de:start and de:start, start/?id=en:start\\.

We found the problem to be that script.js expects the base-url to end with / when url-rewriting is active. In our case However, it end with /start.

We implemented the following workaround to fix this:


        // this should hopefully detect rewriting good enough:
        var action = $frm.attr('action');
        if(action.substr(action.length-1) == '/'){
            var link = action + id;

was replaced with:

        // this should hopefully detect rewriting good enough:
        var action = $frm.attr('action').replace('/start', '/');
        if(action.substr(action.length-1) == '/'){
            var link = action + id;

Nicer breadcrumbs

wikidoku.1452536480.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/09/19 22:03 (Externe Bearbeitung)

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